How to disappear off facebook
Request an archive with your information:
>Go here.
>Go to the second option, 'Download your information', and select 'view'.
>If you want to download all your information, simply select 'click file'. Else, deselect what items you don't want in.
>You will be notified via email once the file is ready for download.
Block these addresses to (mostly) prevent Facebook from tracking your online activity and behaviours: Go Here
If you ever intend on going back, deactivate your account.
>Once logged in, go here.
>Click on 'Deactivate my account' at the bottom of the section.
>Re-enter your password.
>Review all the options and click on 'Deactivate' at the bottom.
IMPORTANT: Unless you specify it, this will make you unable to use Facebook Messenger as well.
If you want to get rid of your account completely, delete your account(This takes a couple of days!):
>Go here.
>You will be shown a set of steps to follow if you want to keep some of your account information (To keep messenger, for example).
>Re-enter your password.
How to disappear off Instagram
Request an archive with your information:
Using instagram WEB, not the app, go here.
>Scroll all the way down
>Under 'Data Download', click 'Request Download'
>Check the email is correct and click 'next'
>Enter your password and click 'Request Download'
!!! This takes time. Don't immediately proceed to delete your account until you've gotten your archive via email.
Deactivate your account:
Once logged in, go here.
>Select reason of deactivation and re enter your password
>Click on 'Temporarily disable your account'
!!!This disables the account until you log back in, it does NOT delete it.
Delete your account:
Using instagram web and NOT the app, log in and go here.
>Give the reason as to why you're deleting your account
>re-enter your password
>Click on 'Permanently delete my account'
How to disappear off Twitter
Request an archive with your information:
>Once logged in, go to your settings.
>Scroll to the bottom of the page
>Click on request your archive
!!! This takes time. Don't immediately proceed to delete your account until you've gotten your archive via email.
Delete or deactivate your account:
>Once logged in, go to your settings.
>Scroll to the bottom of the page
>Click on deactivate your account
>Read the advice carefully
>Confirm deactivation
>You have 30 days to reactivate it (by signing in) or else your account will get deleted.
How to disappear off Whatsapp
Delete your account:
!!! This will DELETE any Google Drive backups you may have of your Whatsapp information.
It may take up to 90 days for your information to be deleted off their database, and they may keep some information, like log records (more on that here)
>On the app, go to 'Settings'>'Delete my account'
>Input your phone number and tap on the 'Delete my account' button
How to disappear off Snapchat
Download your data:
> Go to
> Check the data available for download and click on 'Submit request'. You'll get an email when the information is ready
Delete your account:
> Go to
> Enter your username and passoword and confirm deletion
How to delete Mail
Delete your inactive accounts:
TIP! Check the associated accounts to the ones you actively use. That's a great way of remembering which old ones you still have laying around.
> Go to You'll most likely be asked to confirm it's really you via 2FA
> Read through to make sure you've backed all data you wanted to back up and aren't missing anything
> Mark all the checkboxes after reading through them to confirm you know what it means to fully close an Outlook account
> Give a reason for the deletion
> Click on 'Mark account for closure'
Download your data:
> Go to
> Scroll down to 'Control your content'
> Click on 'Create Archive'
> Select the data you want included and your preferences, then click 'Create Archive'. You'll be emailed when it's ready.
Delete the accounts:
> Go to settings
> Under 'Account preferences', select 'Delete your account or services'
To delete Gmail or other specific services:
> Choose 'Delete a product', you'll be asked to reconfirm it's really you
> Select Gmail or any service you wish to delete, read and accept the conditions
To delete your Google account (all products):
> Choose 'Delete Google account and data'
> Read every disclaimer carefully and click 'Delete Account'
How to disappear off Reddit
Delete your account:
!!! This will not delete your comments and posts, the post author will show up as "by [deleted]". For them to disappear, you'll need to delete them one by one.
> Once logged in, go to settings.
> Scroll all the way down and click on 'Deactivate account'
> Type in your username and password
> Tick the checkbox saying you understand you can't get the account back
> Click 'Deactivate'
How to disappear off Pinterest
Delete or deactivate your account:
> Once logged in go to Settings > Account Basics
> Click on 'Deactivate Account' or 'Close account permanently'
How to disappear off Telegram
Delete your account:
> Go to Telegram's deactivation page
> Enter your phone number and click 'next'
> You'll get a confirmation code via the app. Type it in and click the sign in button
> Click on 'yes' and confirm
How to disappear off Tumblr
Hide your blog:
> Once logged in, go to settings. Choose your blog from the 'Blogs' list on the sidebar.
> Scroll down to the Visibility section
> Check "Hide [your blogname]" and "Hide [your blogname] from search results". This hides the blog from everyone who is not logged into Tumblr and makes search engines ignore it.
> For even less people to see it, you could also check the third option '[your blogname] is explicit'. This hides the blog from everyone who is not logged in as well as people who are but have safe search on.
Delete your account (all info + blogs):
> Go to settings.
> Scroll all the way down and click on 'delete account'
> Enter your email and password and click on 'Delete everything'
Some Other Tips
> Don't reveal your name or location in comments (pseudonyms are your friend!)
> If you're really concerned about your privacy, consider using a VPN. Do some research beforehand!
> If you get too caught up on social media, come back every 3-6 months to do some cleaning up of your online presence. This will remind you you're in complete control of what you put out there.